Evan Saxon, D&E Partner and Co-founder

Partner and Co-founder of D&E Entertainment - the premier company in marketing and distributing the digital theatrical experience for music, film, and special event presentations. Evan Saxon has always been a pacesetter in mining digital solutions for the vast array of content now driving the global entertainment economy. Mr. Saxon’s formidable record company experience prior to his launch of D&E prepared him for the transformative impact the company is now making in the world of digital cinema.

His cutting edge marketing experience with music imprints such as IRS Records, Capitol Records, and the comprehensive delivery network at CEMA Distribution schooled him on the profound digital and mobile revolution that rocked the structured cycle of the music business. It was Mr. Saxon’s frustration with the industry’s reluctance to encourage fan friendly digital access that led him to stake out new territory. His next move was to not only launch his own company, but forge an entirely new business model that leveraged the communal excitement of digital based entertainment with the loyal community of fans driving its growth.

His first start up, a company called Right Between The Acts, digitally delivered, in real time, new music to receptive concert audiences hankering for recorded entertainment during live concert breaks. Partnering with multiple record companies and breakthrough artists, including Weezer, Slayer, The Cure, Steve Earle and others, the program became a prototype for the kind of ‘sweet spot capture’ of technology and content that would later define D&E’s ability to join customers and companies who care deeply about enriching the impression point for the fans who drive their businesses.

“The lesson that stayed with me,” recalls Evan, “Is that there I was, having designed this hi tech program that made it cost effective to deliver new music for clients eager for this kind of contact point, driving around in a rental car for months at a time following bands who built their reputations on the great relationship they have with their fans. Bands whose calling card was their immediacy and passion – artists like Weezer, Sting, Lucinda Williams, Steve Earle, Motorhead and White Zombie.”

Forming his own partnership with former record executive Doug Kluthe in 2005, Co-President of D&E, the two innovators set out to make that kind of reciprocal connection the hallmark of their own entertainment brand. Mr. Kluthe’s experience in the video production arena, as well as marketing high profile HD live music and video events emboldened the duo to enter one of the fastest growing sectors of the motion picture industry: Digital cinema. D&E currently provides an array of premier quality marketing and promotion services geared to providing music and movie fans the ultimate HD in theatre experience. Cultivating key relationships and collaborative opportunities across the entertainment landscape, the Los Angeles based company, (formed in 2005), has guided and supported captivating HD multiple city theatrical premieres for breakthrough and superstar artists, including Pearl Jam, Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Marley, Duran Duran, Morrissey, Ramones, The Grateful Dead, Iron Maiden, Slipknot and others.

“The vision we have for D&E, and the excitement about HD, 3D and digital cinema has opened doors to a new platform of consumer engagement,” says Mr. Saxon. “We aim to be on the forefront of opening additional revenue streams for our content creators. How do we do that? By offering the highest caliber presentation in mediums revitalized by technology for content deserving of a premium showcase. The rollout we offer has the power to captivate entertainment fans like never before.”

D&E Entertainment, Inc.

6525 W Sunset Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90028

Telephone: 323-464-2403
Fax: 323-464-2426

info @ DandEentertainment . com