Question Writing Services

D and E Entertainment can assist you in more ways than one! It is true that our Trivia In-a-Box and our trivia events are unparalleled, but did you know we offer question writing services as well? Our team is standing by to help. You can expect the same level of quality and commitment in our written questions as the aforementioned services. Let D and E Entertainment take the guess work out writing your trivia questions!

Many popular activities require you to book services weeks or even months in advance. They can also be cost prohibitive. With D and E you can get dozens of custom trivia questions in less than 7 days! That is not a typo, we mean it, less than a week. Sports and pop culture questions are among the most commonly requested but we offer much more. Even the most well studied of your guests will scratch their heads at our history and literature trivia. Have an idea for a category? Let us know!

Trivia is such a popular way to have fun that countless game shows are composed of only trivia questions. These shows have grew to such great levels of popularity that many cable services have channels dedicated to playing these shows all day long. Countless websites are also based entirely around groups of people getting together to see who knows the most answers. Let D and E Entertainment make your next gathering as much fun as the million dollar question on that famous trivia TV show!

Don’t wait any longer. Contact us now so that you can have your custom questions written and delivered to you in less than a week. We are dedicated team of people who love trivia, let us take control of the question writing services while you take control of important stuff, like snacks!